Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Let's Get It On

It IS hump day after all.. but (unfortunately) that's not what I was referring to.

Soccer game tonight, at the newly opened Afrim's dome in Latham. The team we're playing is decent, so hopefully we can pull from our pool of spectators for motivation and kick their ass. Ok, maybe not kick their ass, but play really well! That would work.

Heroes - So... they said "two heroes would fall" and they did: Nathan Petrelli was shot and is seemingly fighting for his life (can't Peter use his powers to bring him back?) and Niki/Jessica should have blown up in that building, all because Monica can't leave well enough alone. Heroes comes back in 2008, although we're not sure when. Another thing, Hiro buried Adam alive in a grave in Japan. Hell, if someone can live forever no matter what happens, might as well make them live it somewhere hellish, right!? Who shot Nathan? Not sure.. looks like it could be HRG, after his little discussion with Claire about being the whistle blower, he surely wouldn't want Nathan to do the same. And Elle... she's still kicking and might even like being a hero. However, the next installment is "Villains" so hopefully she'll get back to her bat-shit crazy ways in a short while.. ya know, like Elisa on Project Runway.

October Road - Ok, I love me some Eddie Letekka and his love for the full figured ladies, but if he doesn't give up "the secret" in the near future I'm going to jam my hands through the TV and wring his neck. Physical Phil's "Tour of Infidelity" idea was priceless, but I don't see Ikie and Owen buddying it up anytime soon. And how horrid was that wedding dress? I know it was 1977 and all, but please.. My mom's was in the early 70's and it wasn't that bad.. I mean.. by today's standards it wasn't that good, but it surely wasn't that bad! (No offense Mom - she always reads the blog on the most inconvenient days!!)

I only saw the first installment of Tin Man, but I'm looking forward to catching up on it this weekend, so I won't go there with anyone. For some reason I doubt many of my blogging buddies are looking forward to me talking about it, but I might just do it out of spite.

As I said, I got sucked into a Beauty and the Geek marathon this past weekend, forcing me to watch the finale last night. The money was won by Dave and Jasmine, not Sam and Nicole, who I was rooting for. I'm almost giddy about watching the new installment of this "social experiment" when it comes back to TV next year. Damn you Ashton Kutcher.. First, "Dude, Where's My Car" and now this!? You're killing me Smalls...

Not much else to go with.. it's snowing here.. been going pretty slow and steady the last few hours. It's the pretty kind of snow.. I hope..

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