Thursday, July 03, 2008

When J and I went to see Wanted, we saw the trailer for Pineapple Express. Now, I'm not a HUGE fan of "stoner comedies" but it looked pretty funny... Then, I found this out. How in the world could it get better? And oh yeah.. how did it escape me that there is a Huey Lewis and the News tribute album coming out?

The J knee saga continues: Yesterday he FINALLY went to the ortho who told him he couldn't diagnose him because "he was in too much pain." He then scheduled J for an MRI.... July 18th.. So another two weeks of him hobbling around in pain. Luckily (ok, not luckily, but you'll get the drift) his knee gave out on him at work today, so the nurse sent him up to a doctor she works for. Hopefully he'll be able to do something for him...

Wanted was a good flick. The stunts were a TAD outlandish (no one, unless they're bionic) would survive the catastrophes these people survived, and I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to have two bullets collide, but if you look past that, it had an interesting premise and I really enjoyed it. However, this was OBVIOUSLY way before ANgelina Jolie got pregnant because she really looked emaciated. Halfway through I turned to J and said "good god, someone get her a burger!"

So rumor is that A-Rod and his wife have split (just three months after the birth of his second child) and he's been taking up with Madonna and her with Lenny Kravitz. No offense, but a man that looks like A-Rod can certainly get hotter and younger than Madonna. Although I'm sure she could show a man a thing or two. I mean.. she's crazy jacked and worth bajillions of dollars. As for his wife.. she could certainly do worse. I bet Lenny's body is even better than A-Rod's (not that it should be that important ;)...) Still.. it sucks when anyone's marriage goes under, so the best of luck to ALL of them!!!

Yesterday I wasn't feeling well. My throat had been sore for a few days and I had an awful headache. Well, I found out my friend Nikki had started off the same way and now has strep throat AND a sinus infection. So, I freaked out a little bit and called the doctor for a strep test. Well, I MEANT to call and see the doctor for them to give me a strep test. They just gave me a strep test (which came back negative of course). So, the nurses looked at me like I was crazy and I felt pretty stupid for doing it, but I get strep a lot and really easily and with the holiday weekend and all I just wanted to nip it in the bud. Seriously, if I have to go back there next week because I DO have strep, I'm gonna be peeved..

Enjoy your 4th of July weekend!!!!

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