Friday, July 18, 2008

On my way to the beach for a girl's weekend with my friends from college... I'll take some pictures.. hopefully NOT of an extremely sunburnt me!

Shocking eliminations on SYTYCD: Kherington and Gev are out, with Comfort still hanging on. Kherington did struggle this week. She and Mark's two step was atrocious, but all in all I think she's a better dancer than Comfort. Still, you can't go wrong with a Comfort and Twitch hip-hop pairing. What a saving grace that was! As for Gev, I think it was just his time. He was respectable in all he did, it just wasn't enough with the guys that are left.

Project Runway came full circle with the supermarket elimination challenge, which saw Jerry be the first one out. I always love it (as in Big Brother) when the most confident person comes in and is the first one out. Speaking of which, I haven't watched the episode, but Brian DID get eliminated on Big Brother, a blatant case of too much, too soon! Anyway, Project Runway.. there are interesting characters on the show this season, but I was disappointed with all the fabric substitutes during this challenge. Tim Gunn even went so far as to say the Judges would probably call them slackers... and they were! I'm hoping they learned their lesson and it gets better.

Rumor (from the mouth of Jen's Alias co-star, Victor Garber) is that Jennifer Garner is expecting a second bundle of joy to go along with daughter Violet. Or she had a big lunch.. whatever.

Britney and K-Fed came to an agreement in their custody case, with K-Fed gaining sole custody but better visitation rights for Brit. Apparently now instead of $15K a month, he'll be getting close to $20K in child support. Seriously... how did he turn into father of the year? That's either one great attorney or an amazing publicist...

Enjoy your weekend.. I intend to enjoy mine...

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