Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I wasn't able to stay up for the entire All Star Game, but I'm happy to say the American League won and George Sherrill (and pretty much every other pitcher in the ballpark) was able to throw an inning or two. The 15 inning game lasted well past midnight and secured home field advantage for the American League. I didn't watch much of it, but I did tune in when Papelbon was pitching, and this article now explains to me why the fans in an American League park were calling their own pitcher "overrated." Even for one night, the Yankee fans and Red Sox fans can't unite for a cause...

I know I "reported" on this last week, but now it's official. Michael J. Fox WILL be playing a foe of Tommy Gavin's on Rescue Me come Spring. I can't wait! Speaking of TV, rumor is that Amy Poehler will have a role in the Office spin-off that's supposed to debut after the 2009 Superbowl. No idea on what kind of role she'd take on, as NO information regarding the spin-off has been leaked anywhere!

It was only a matter of time before we saw this mug shot, but this bust was one I didn't really expect...

I bought a pair of Nine West sunglasses last Thursday when I went to the mall. I almost lost them last night. Under a week must be a new record. I swear, if I spend anything over $10 on a pair of sunglasses, it's a given that I'll lose them ASAP. I have a pair I'm wearing today that's like a bad penny. They just keep turning up no matter how often I try to lose them.

Speaking of resilience, check out this story!

OOH.. shit hit the fan last night on Big Brother! I wanted to tell Brian, you can't show your hand and try to play everyone against each other this early. It's too soon and people will figure it out, as they did last night and because of it, Brian's "ally," Jerry, put him up on the block. Granted, I'd rather see Renny go as she's almost as annoying as Amanda was last year, but Brian deserves it for thinking two days in that he was the puppet master. Still, anything can happen and we'll see if Brian can talk his way out of it. In order to put Brian up, Jessie won the POV competition, which consisted of wading through honey to put stuffed bears into jars. I can tell you right now, I NEVER want to wade through honey.. it just looked painful!

It's Wednesday.. you know what to do... and besides hump, it's TUNE INTO THE SEASON PREMIERE OF PROJECT RUNWAY TONIGHT!! I doubt I'll get to watch it, but I have it set to tape so I'll have to try to avoid any and all spoilers...

1 comment:

Sandra said...

oh nooooo! I missed the season premiere of PR!! I missed the entire prev. season because I missed that 1st eppy and things just snowballed from there. Arrgh! Blast and damnation!!