Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Every time I hear the song "Right Now" by Van Halen, I can't help but sing it incorrectly. On the first season of Road Rules, one of the gang's challenges was to be roadies at a Van Halen concert (if memory serves me correctly) and that's when this song was really popular so instead of singing Hey... it's your tomorrow," Kit sang "Hey... the winnie's a mess" and that's what I always think of. (For you non-Road Rules fans - winnie means the winnebago they travelled in). God I loved MTV when their shows were really about strangers living with strangers and not strangers getting drunk and banging other strangers. And yes... I really do have a lot of useless information in my head, thanks for asking.

1 comment:

Rob said...

That still is my favorite season of Road Rules, which I stopped watching years ago... awesome stuff!