Thursday, July 24, 2008

And the saga continues: My mom is a little nervous about this whole ocular migraine thing, mainly because when I had the first one, I lost peripheral vision and we've been hearing about a lot of people my age or slightly older having slight strokes. Freaky, right? Yeah, so my mom had me go to the opthamologist (sp?) this morning. Anyway, we do the tests, they numb my eyes to do a pressure test and dilate them. This was almost four hours ago. I still look stoned.. not as stoned as I did around noon, but stoned just the same. Anyway, they had to repeat one of my tests a few times and the first thing the Dr. says is that I need glasses. To which I reply "so all that money I spent on Lasik was a waste?" She laughed and smiled and said that my right eye is substantially weaker than my left eye, the cornea is strangely shaped and I have an astigmatism. Basically, my right eyes strains to see the things my left eye has no problem seeing. So, it's not like I'm going blind or anything, but it'd probably be helpful to me to wear glasses when I'm on the computer, reading, etc. I don't care so much, as just prior to the Lasik procedure I got a really cute pair of frames. It'd be nice to see them put to good use! However, I still should make an appointment with my old optician to see what he has to say. They also want to do a field vision (glaucoma) test on me AND see my primary care physician. My plate is going to be pretty full for the next couple of weeks, thanks to some squiggly lines in my vision. And oh yeah.. I have ocular migraines..

My friend Tim is in town and stopped over to my house last night. I had already washed my face and was settling in for my Wednesday night TV viewing, but Tim wouldn't take no for an answer (he never really does). It was really great to catch up with him, but I was so beat and really just wanted to go to bed, as my eyes were pretty sore. He didn't leave until 11:30 and I felt terrible because I know the relief was evident when he finally did mosey out the door. Luckily, he has a thick skin! Nothing personal of course, I was just exhausted. He has a lot of personality! :) Still, he entertained me as usual and while I wasn't really feeling up to having a few beers with him, we had fun anyway. I might have even convinced him that So You Think You Can Dance is not "the bad reality tv." Maybe..

My sweet little Wesley got canned from Project Runway! I shall miss his jaunty shorts... but I will not miss the nasty dress he made. It could NOT have been more ill fitted, and he basically in front of Natalie Portman, guest judge. Poor Wesley..

Well, not sure yet if I have a ball game tonight, but I kinda hope I don't. My eyes aren't back to normal yet from being dilated and having balls flying at my face isn't high on my priority list (insert dirty joke here). Enjoy your Thursday night!

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