Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's been a busy couple of days, to say the least, and it looks like there won't be any end in sight in the near future.

I finally had a free weekend, and J was away, so I got more sleep than normal, which was a nice change. I also watched the first two discs of Mad Men, Season 1. It's an interesting show and I've enjoyed watching it. It's a little slow and since I read an article about it in Entertainment Weekly, I know what's coming, so I'm going to stick with it. I should get the next two discs today but lord knows when I'll have the time to watch it. The show just started it's new season on Sunday, so I still have time to catch up.

Tre and I went to see Mamma Mia on Saturday night and I really enjoyed it! Amanda Seyfried was really great and Meryl Streep was WAY better than I expected her to be (singing wise.. I mean.. obviously she's a great actress but who knew she could sing at all? I even found myself kind of crushing on Pierce Brosnan... Grrrr.. I would have enjoyed it more if these two queens (don't get mad at me my gay friends.. if you knew who it was, you would have said the same thing) talked through the whole movie and two teenage girls had a sing along on the other side of me. I swear, people that talk in movies is my biggest pet peeve. I don't understand the concept of shelling out way too much to see a movie, then talking through it. Regardless, it was very good and if you haven't seen it yet, stay through the credits.

Last night, J and I went to see Step Brothers. I really didn't expect much from it, but I admit, it was pretty funny! The last few Will Ferrell movies (since Anchorman really) have been pretty lame so I didn't think this would be much better, but I knew J wanted to see it and I had pretty much seen everything else I wanted to see at this point. He laughed his ass off and there were a few really funny lines that I wish I could remember. Just be warned, it IS R-rated, so there are MANY swear words, dick jokes and vulgar words. Still, if you like to laugh and enjoy the comedy stylings of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly, it's not a waste of your time and money.

Monday night I went for a walk with my cousin, and a brand new tub of Roasted Cinnamon ice cream was just put out at the ice cream place. What a night huh? Who knew it would get better? I came home and Tre was going through her cd's and we were listening to them all to see what songs were on them. We ended up both laughing our ass off over some of them (Clay Aiken) and making a list of songs to download. I swear, the list was the front and back of a whole sheet of paper, with songs like Last Resort by Papa Roach and Saturday (Oooh Ooooh) by Ludacris. Tons of songs we had totally forgotten about, as who listens to CD's anymore?! I mean, some of them were from 2001. Tre is in the midst of making a mega mix for Saturday's party, so it'll be fun to hear some of the stuff we didn't expect!

Another celebrity couple is expecting twins. Seriously, what's in the Hollywood water!?

Thank goodness this story isn't true!

If you missed Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, you can catch it for free on Hulu.

This story is for my friend Jen in Vermont. I don't know how it could happen, but I wouldn't mind if it did.

Ball game tonight and half a day of work tomorrow before my doctor's appointment. Then I'm off until Monday.. Woo hoo! Lots of work to do though, to get the house ready for the 5th Annual Nytropalooza on Saturday. Pray for nice weather and hump 'em if you got 'em ;)!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I was totally planning on seeing StepBrothers in the theater and I am immensely relieved that I read your post 1st and consequently thought better of wasting my time and $$$. I feel certain I would be disappointed w/ the flick, since, unlike most societal lemmings, I HATE's one of the most loathsome enterprises I can think of, second only to aye-aye ranching.