Wednesday, April 02, 2008

We want the hump

My co-worker brought in snickerdoodles for the second time this week. Snickerdoodles are my favorite. I mean, they're no Oreos, but they're pretty high up there. Good thing I'm running cause basically it's just averaging me out with all the crap I've been eating lately. I told her I'd kill her if she brought more in... and she did. Obviously my threat wasn't quite as threatening as I'd hope. Damn good cookies though..

The Gutt got booted from DWTS!! I'm so pissed! His tango was so damn good and it wasn't his time at all! I'm going to miss him and as much as I love Julianne, I hope Adam Carolla gets booted next week. I'm a little sick of him.

When will they learn!? Once again, James won the Power of Veto competition and took himself off the block, forcing Natalie to put up Sharon. It all sounded well and good, that Joshuah would now have to leave, but he's worked his way into a deal (so far) so that Sharon goes home and he stays. He's a wily little thing, that Joshuah! I'm curious to see how it plays out AND to see who wins HOH. If it's James, shit is totally going to hit the fan and I can only hope that's how it goes, cause I need Natalie gone. I have to turn down the volume when they show her confessionals so I don't bash my head in.

After J blew me off last night, I watched Eastern Promises. Interesting movie. I thought it was good, however the Russian accents made it hard to understand sometimes. It was really violent, and no matter what you think, you do NOT want to see a naked man fight in a bath house. It was very disturbing and I was only slightly distracted by his twig and berries. Still, a pretty good movie and Viggo Mortenson was really great in it.

So yeah.. apparently J's vacation from work is also turning into a vacation from me. I made that exact statement last night and his response was "it's only been three days." Yep.. so now I'm crazy stalker girlfriend, which is so not the case. I had sent him an email earlier that day with the menu for the Double O Grill down in Rhinebeck.. hint hint.. Apparently he didn't get the hint. His response: that's a big fucking menu. Then when I finally get to talk to him, he tells me that he's going to his buddie's house to drink. Now, the boy doesn't drink when he works, so I can understand that he'd want to get his drink on while on vacation.. I do get that. However, say that earlier in the day or something! That's what pisses me off. That, and I can't remember a Tuesday in the last five or six months that we haven't done something, so forgive me for assuming we will. So yeah... needless to say, we didn't really talk last night and I made white trash dinner (mac and cheese with hot dogs) and watched Eastern Promises.

It's partially my fault I guess. I've been in a funk the last few days, for some reason. My brain doesn't seem to be working and I've had to literally drag myself out of bed each morning. I thought exercise was supposed to give you energy! Me... not so much?

I've got to get back to work, but tonight is chock full of reality TV which, if last night is any indication, I'll be home to watch.

Congrats go out to my friend Shannon, who had her baby yesterday.. no name yet, but it's a girl!

PS - I really don't want to, but I think I'm addicted to the Real Housewives of NYC... Someone take me to Bravo TV Rehab.. stat! Oh wait.. their new dance show is starting on THursday so if you could wait.. I don't know.. 12 weeks or so.. that'd be great ;)

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