Monday, April 28, 2008

Busy Weekend

And it looks like there's no end in sight for those. I think my weekends are pretty much booked through till July. I guess it really IS that time of year.

Anyway, once again, I had great intentions when it came to posting, but time got away from me.

My boss let us out a few hours early on Friday so my mom and I headed to Kingston to get a baby shower gift at Toys R'Us.. Where I ended up getting a gift for Tre and I: a second guitar for Guitar Hero. J had brought his down the other night and it was so much fun being able to have more than one person play, so when I saw that guitar, I knew we had to have it. Needless to say, J and Danny came down on Friday night and we all played Guitar Hero and had a few beers.

Saturday was my friend Brian's surprise 30th birthday party. We started at 2 pm and I had to take a nap around 10. I don't do well at parties like that because it's rare I like the food. Not that it was bad of course, just not me. I can never really eat subs cause of the lettuce, tomato and dressing, although I did force one tiny piece down so I my stomach wasn't completely empty. What's funny is, my friends know me pretty well: When they went out for a beer run they tried to find a McDonald's or something for me.. Anyway, J went with me and we all had a great time, boozing it up and playing games, although my back is a little sore from sleeping on the air mattress.

Sunday morning, J and I got up, went to breakfast at Friendly's (YUM) then back to his house to shower. After that, we hit up the mall where we frantically searched every store we could think of for Mario Kart for the Wii. We finally found it at our last stop, FYE, where J got that AND two extra steering wheels. I don't know who's familiar with the game and who isn't, but you basically drive these Mario characters around random raceways. Well, with the Wii you actually do it with a steering wheel, which is pretty interesting. I'd never played before and we spent at least two hours racing each other. He even let me borrow it for a few days, as he isn't going to be home. I brought it home so Tre could try it, but I don't think she's a very big fan, mainly cause we're not good at it yet. I kind of felt the same way at J's house cause he was royally kicking my ass. I mean.. no one wants to get beat!!! So, I guess for now I'll just play it at J's house until Tre decides she likes it.. Once the clouds cleared, we also hit up the batting cages where J tried out the new bat he had bought that day. I tried it too, but it was definitely too heavy for me, which may be another reason my back is kiling me today! We had a pretty busy weekend, which really helped me forget I was missing my rugby alumni reunion. I can't say I was heartbroken to miss it, but I would have at least liked to have seen a few people. Oh well.. such is life.

Adam took home the big prize on Big Brother, by an almost unanimous vote (only Joshuah voted for Ryan). I was surprised, because when the jury grilled the final two, Adam came off looking very egotistical and kind of idiotic. I just felt like Ryan played the game better and that Adam rode his coattails, much like I did last year with Dick and Daniele.. Obviously, I was wrong about that one too.. You have to feel slightly bad for Adam though, because I think he really won because he was going to do more charitable things with the money.. however I wonder if he'll change his mind on his $100,000 donation when he finds out that he doesn't have a job to go back to. Next season starts on July 13th... So my DVR has a few weeks to rest in between, thank god!

After kicking ass last week, Jen got the boot from Top Chef. There really was no other way to go. Her "crouton" was the worst part of the meal and she was solely responsible. Now she can join Zoi at home, although I'm disappointed cause I thought she really could have gone far. Just goes to show that one bad judgment call can send you home!

The first girl to leave Rome on ANTM was Lauren, and I have to say, it's about time. I mean.. yes, she took great pictures.. but she can't walk to save her life and that's what a model is all about! Hell.. I've seen men on Halloween that walk better in heels than Lauren (and NOT drag queens).

I hope to post more later, but I make no promises.. Time's just gotten away from me lately. Try to get through this gloomy Monday and get used to it.. We're not going to see the sun (or last week's temperatures) any time soon :(

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