Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Empty Promises

I know I promised a blog last night, but I got a little distracted... I busted my Roomba.. not beyond compare, but beyond my ability to fix it... Note to self: DO NOT let the Roomba run when there are Wii wires on the floor. It WILL get caught and it WILL take you at least twenty minutes to get the wires out.

I took out my summer clothes last night and modified my closet accordingly. What this really means is that I had to organize all my shoes into some semblance of order so I could find all the cute open toes and flip flops I have to wear this summer. NO MORE SOCKS!!!!

Showmance? Certainly not on Dancing with the Stars!? Speaking of which.. it's time for Marlee Matlin to go. I understand that she's done a phenomenal job and all, especially considering she can't hear the music, but compared to the talents of the other remaining contestants, she's just not cutting it. And oh yeah.. Def Leppard is performing on the results show tonight. Someone explain that one..

As expected, Sharon and Sheila got nominated for eviction on Big Brother, which means tonight's POV is definitely the most important ever. Ryan is unsure of his trust for Adam after Adam whispered to Natalie that he was the one who voted for her to stay after her eviction. The executioner was supposed to be kept secret so as not to bias her in the end vote. So, I'm thinking if Adam doesn't win POV, he might be up on the block and be the one to go. We'll see tonight, as someone is also ousted tonight and after tomorrow, we'll know our final two. If Sharon makes it through tonight's eviction she needs to win HOH and she'll be a shoe in to win the whole thing. Then again, I thought anyone that went up against Evil Dick last year would win and I was wrong about that too, so let's just say she didn't burn a lot of bridges and for that, I'd vote for her to win over any of the others.

A few weeks ago, my girl Claire got eliminated from ANTM, then we had to deal with a "clip show" so I had kind of forgotten what happened. This week, Fatima got to stay even though she never made it to the photo shoot. She had an appointment to deal with her travel documents and the strength of her portfolio of photos pushed her past Stacy Ann and off to Rome with Dominique, Lauren, Anya, Katarzyna and Whitney.

I almost shit a brick when Jim got down on one knee on The Office... to tie his shoe. He DOES have a ring though.. as if that wasn't enough to keep you watching the show, right?

Jen avenged her love, Zoi's ouster from Top Chef by winning the immunity challenge right off the bat, which was pairing a random beer with the food of their choice. In the elimiation challenge, the chefs had to cook at a tailgate party for the Chicago Bears which meant BBQ grills and beer for everyone! Dale ended up winning the challenge and won himself the grill he used to cook his award winning meal on while Ryan (one of my faves, although not cause he was so talented.. but cause I liked some of the quips he's made during the season) was booted for his take on tailgating that didn't go over so well with the folks in Chicago.

Tonight is the reunion show for my favorite reality guilty pleasure: The Real Housewives of New York City. Yes my friends.. the fur is going to fly and I can't f'n wait!

Speaking of NYC: I got my mom and I tickets to see A Chorus Line on Broadway for Mother's Day. It's a present for her.. but for me too. It's my favorite show EVER (i cried when I saw it at Proctor's so I can't imagine what I'll be like to see it on Broadway) and Mario Lopez will be starring as Zach, the role made famous in the movie by Michael Douglas. I can't wait!

I've got to go to a meeting about the Medifast job that my friend Allyson wants me to do, so I don't think I'll have time to blog tonight. At least I've given you a warning... Enjoy your evening. It's GORGEOUS outside so take advantage while you can.

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