Thursday, April 10, 2008

Is it Friday yet?

It's just been one of those weeks.

Yesterday we had an office meeting regarding our billable hours. I know mine aren't up to snuff, but if no one is giving me work (to a certain extent.. I'm relatively self sufficient, but I can't do everything on my own), then I can't bill out to our clients. I kind of had a feeling that would come up and I subtly tried to point out to my boss that if she were here more, we could bill more, but she wasn't quite getting it. So yeah.. that put a damper on my morning to say the least. She was talking about cutting overhead and I'm pretty sure overhead = Me. If one of the state positions came through, I'd be ok with it, but obviously nothing has come from any of the canvas letters I've received so I'm not so eager to hear "you're fired"... trump style.

Tuesday night I went to my cousin Laura's for a jewelry party. I'll admit, nothing really jumped out at me! I got a pair of earrings and a necklace I had liked previously, but that was it. The nice thing was that I had a $50 gift certificate so I ended up spending roughly $6. That sure did work in my favor. When I got home, Tre and I watched Big Brother, as per usual. Ryan won the POV and while it looked like James had gotten through to him, Ryan decided to make the predictable move and take Sheila off the block, leaving Adam to put James back on. I have yet to see last night's episode, but I do know (predictably so and probably unanimously) James got the boot. I also know who won HOH (DO NOT click if you don't want the outcome spoiled) and it's gonna be an interesting week....

Speaking of reality shows, I forgot to mention the final two for Rock of Love are Daisy and Ambre. I've liked them both throughout the competition for different reasons: Daisy, cause she's a little bit out there, but seems like a nice chick and would probably do well in the rock world. Ambre, cause she's super nice (until you cross her) and she's actually NOT 20 years younger than Brett. I mean.. he'll probably pick Daisy, but I'm kind of OK with that. With all the drama she's managed to stick around, so she probably deserves to win! Still, it looks like Brett has more issues besides which girl to pick...

Last night, J and I went to the Albany River Rats game. His sister, brother in law and niece were supposed to go, but the baby got a 101 degree fever at day care, so they couldn't make it. We didn't know for sure until about 5:00, so it was a little too late to try to get someone else to go. I mean, we did both call our siblings, but it was too late. It didn't matter really, the game was pretty good and the Rats won it with an insane goal with just over a minute left to go. There was only one fight, but lots of banging against the boards. What more could a girl ask for? Oh yeah.. baked potato soup, which I got when J took me to Houlihan's for dinner before the game. He thinks sometimes... really he does. He also gave me the bootleg of Gone Baby Gone that I'd been asking for, and if I had five free minutes, I'd probably watch it. I have no plans tonight, but The Office is FINALLY new and I have lots of taped shows to watch. Seriously... what did I do without DVR? Oh yeah.. I had a life.. I forgot! We FINALLY finished watching War last night. It was fine.. I just wasn't in the mood to watch it. It was the third attempt we made and we only watched it from where we were sure we had both left off. We've been trying to watch Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story for weeks, so I was a tad peeved that J was forcing War upon me. Then Jason Statham came on the screen and somehow I was no longer upset.

Apparently someone likes rocker guys. And oh yeah.. Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are engaged. I don't think he's really a "rocker guy" but he does wear eyeliner so we'll cut him a break and let him pretend.

I JUST started getting into "How I Met Your Mother" and it cracks me up every time I watch it. I think this episode will be a can't miss tv moment...

One of our clients brought in Butterfinger bars for everyone today. I'm doing pretty well on my own derailing my exercise and eating regimens.. Ok.. exercise.. I don't really HAVE an eating regimen, but you know what I'm saying.. Point is, I don't need anyone else to help me F up my so called diet. Although now I'm slightly relieved that I managed to fend off the Mini Egg craving I had all morning cause I might have to bust out that butterfinger for dessert. Damn ass kissers... Just remember.. stuff like that works. This guy's phone call is going to get through EVERY time... ;)

Last week I watched "Step it Up and Dance" on Bravo. The only Bravo Project Runway Copycat I haven't liked was Top Design, and Step it Up and Dance was no exception. I found it interesting and the people on the show are... different. Just like I'd hoped. Elizabeth Berkely is nothing more than window dressing, but she tries. As do the dancers. The concept is a little different in that the immunity challenge leaves two groups: one that can win the challenge and another that's up for elimination. So from the get go, you know who's safe and who's not. The great thing about last week's show is that the girl (damned if I can remember their names yet) that got booted was originally in the "safe" group.. then had a dance off with another girl and they were switched. The girl that was NOW safe, bit the big one during the challenge and if she'd been in the group she probably belonged to originally, she'd have been the one to go home. That, and there was already an injury so two girls went home the first week. This week looks to be a tad bit Broadway, and a lot of the dancers have substantial experience in that area, so it should prove to be both entertaining and bitchy.. two of my favorite things!

Time to get back to the grind. If you know a way to make the clock go quicker, let me know.. and Oh yeah.. Happy Early Birthday (tomorrow) to my friend Sarah and my friend Chad. Hope you guys have great b'days!! :)

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