Thursday, April 24, 2008

Good Intentions

That's what I have, but things keep getting in the way.

For instance, I planned to blog last night, but J came down and brought his Guitar Hero guitar with him, so we battled instead.. I think we each won one battle. He says he sucks on our TV.. I think he's making excuses.

Final Two on Big Brother are Ryan and Adam. Surprising, but not really. Ryan didn't have Sharon's back, so she got booted on Tuesday night. Ryan won the first part of the HOH competition and Adam won the second part, pitting them against each other for the final HOH. I wonder if Sheila could actually hear the nail go into her coffin. Ryan won by a slim margin, and inevitably ousted Sheila. who bawled her brains out.. with no tears. Thank god the show ends Sunday so I can get my life back... and watch Reaper again.

OMG - Michael Scott just quoted Swingers on The Office. I could NOT love this show anymore than I already do.

The Real Housewives of NYC reunion was as entertaining as I'd hoped it would be. Apparently, Alex (besides being ridiculously pretentious and codependent) has some naked pics in her past, and Ramona (she of the slutty clothes and annoying, loud mouth) didn't want to be associated with them, so she stormed off the set. Um... .what?! Hi Pot... Meet Kettle. Next season CAN NOT start quick enough!

I had a nightmare last night that I was abducted at gunpoint. I think it might have something to do with the fact that J and I were watching Commando right before we fell asleep. At least I really hope that's why.

Unsurprisingly, Lauren (ANTM) and Marlee Matlin (DWTS) got booted from their respective shows, and probably for similar reasons: Lauren was a terrible walker and Marlee Matlin well.. just didn't quite have the rhythm. That's similar, right?

I ran 3.4 miles this afternoon, and I'd like to thank Maureen for giving me enough time to catch my breath. Is a shout-out on the blog good enough for you?!

I'm hoping to scoot out of work a little early tomorrow, and if I can find some good stuff online, I'll try to blog again tomorrow. TGIF for sure!!!

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