Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Just got back from seeing The Hangover.. FINALLY! Absolutely hysterical!! There are so many great lines and parts, that there's no possible way I could pick just one. However, I'm pretty sure I have a wicked crush on Bradley Cooper. He is one sexy son of a bitch! I mean, I even complimented his hair and we all know I could care less about that. As a matter of fact, I'm not normally even a fan of hair! So yeah, definitely a must-see flick, with PLENTY of quoteables, including Fat Jesus and Raytard... If you've seen it, you'll get it. If not, check it out and get with the program!

I'm attempting to make up for months of neglecting my Netflix queue (where am I? London?) by watching the movies I get as quickly as possible. Sunday I watched Rachel Getting Married and The Wrestler. Both were very good, at least I thought so! Anne Hathaway was definitely worthy of an Oscar nomination for the role and Mickey Rourke was just so... well.. sad! I loved wrestling when I was a kid and totally thought it was real, and I have to say, it LOOKED quite real in the movie. Before I saw the movie I kind of thought the role was overrated, but I'm glad I was proven wrong again, much like I was with Heath Ledger's Joker performance. And yes, if I look anything like Marisa Tomei when I'm her age, I wouldn't ever wear clothes. She looks AMAZING!!!

As we should know by now, I'm a big fan of True Blood, and while I can't watch it right when it airs since I don't have HBO, I always manage to find a way. Last night I searched everywhere on the internet and finally found a site that would let me watch the third episode, which has been touted as the one where things really get started! I don't want to spoil things, but let's just say it didn't disappoint me! I'm just pissed that there's no new episode until July 12th.. WTF HBO? Anyway, Eric the sexiest Vampire Sheriff I know I've ever seen, might not have always been quite so... dirty sexy hot (and the fact that I think a blonde is hot is, in itself, a mirace). First of all, his father is Stellan Skarsgard, who played Matt Damon's Harvard professor nemesis in Good Will Hunting (not hot). We can get over that.. however, he played male model Meekus in Zoolander. If I recall, he was kind of skinny and NOTHING like what he is now. He growed up REAL good!

I'd write more but I'm full of popcorn, which apparently was not as good an idea as it seemed at the time. Plus, there's no real news beyond the Michael Jackson saga and we all know I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole. Well that and all the stuff on my post-it is too old for anyone to care about. Get ready for your hump day!

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