Friday, June 13, 2008

Longest Day Ever... That's today.. It's only 11:oo.. Five more hours to go before I start the weekend. Yikes..

Last night I burst out laughing watching the first episode of Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List. I can only imagine what she's going to come up with when I see her next Friday. I might have to wear those Depends Jen said she was going to get me after my 5K pants peeing debacle!

The first SYTYCD results show was on last night, and Rayven and Jamie got the boot. I can't say I'm really surprised, but I thought their hip hop dance was really funny and well executed. I think the problem was that they were the first couple to perform, and there were some really good performances in between, so they got thrown by the wayside. At least we know no one will have a new partner this week.. I don't think they do that yet.

I have to stop promising posts.. I should keep you in suspense.. especially since I don't really have the time or interesting news right now :)

Oh yeah.. I'm THIS close to shaving my head.. I got my hair cut on Monday thinking it would solve all my woes and stop me from looking like a hot mess, but alas, that is not the case. If I were skinnier I'd just chop it into a cute little pixie and deal with it, but I really don't want to have boy hair and I don't know if I can pull off something shorter or if I want to. Where's a celebrity stylist when you need one?

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