Monday, May 12, 2008

I forgot all about it: The Trivia Night went really well on Thursday night. My sister had five people, so that left me out. Therefore, J and I formed our own team. We were in third place until the final, when we wagered all our points, as did most of the other teams. Only ONE team didn't, and of course, they won, even though everyone got hte last quesiton wrong. The nice thing was because of that, the money that was supposed to go to the second and third place teams went back to charity. The food was great, and I won three prizes! They were all off of J's strand of tickets, but he doesn't need to know that, even though he's insisting that was the case. After that, he and I went to the Elks Club to hang out with some of his friends and continued our streak of great trivia on the "crack machine" there. We were out way later than I wanted to be, but if I hadn't been out that late I would not have seen Huey Lewis on Jay Leno, so it worked out.

Friday night was pretty uneventful: J and I just went to dinner with my sister and a few of our friends and had a few drinks. I had a lot to do on Saturday so I didn't want to be out too late. However, J accompanied me to Shop-Rite on our way home from the Val-Kin and I was pretty surprised at the looks we got. Like people don't shop at 11:30 on a Friday!? I had to get stuff for my candle party, and Hudson is a mess on Saturdays so I wanted to make sure it was already done. The candle party was a success, which is great because I really didn't expect much. I had sent invites out to like.. 50 people and not only did I get like.. 1o people (including my family) but lots of people didn't even bother to RSVP. I mean.. come on.. it's the polite thing to do! My friend Stephanie was the consultant and it looks like I'll be getting quite a bit of free stuff. I only did it as a favor to her, but it worked out really well for me. After the party I was kind of tired, so I basically caught up on the stuff I DVR'd last week and went to bed kinda early. I could have gone to a party with J at his Aunt and Uncle's, but there was a bit of a misunderstanding about that and I really didn't feel well enough to go anyway. I was sure I had a fever, but one never surfaced.

Sunday morning, my friend Jen and I went up to Albany to sub on a softball team. It turned out to be fun, even though we lost and it was my first time with shin guards on while catching. I don't like them, but I guess I'd rather be uncomfortable for an hour and a half rather than breaking my knee or something. We then celebrated Mother's Day by heading to my parent's house for dinner. I ended the night FINALLY watching The United States of Leland, which was an interesting and kind of good movie. Lots of known stars in it also.

Nikki's jig is up on Top Chef. It was only a matter of time (as I'm sure I've mentioned before) but she really shot herself in the foot by not taking responsibility on her team. Granted, I wanted to see Dale go, just because he's a big honking asshole, but she really deserved it. The team chose to do Italian food, which because she's Italian is apparently her specialty, but she can't pull it off! She's made homemade pasta three times but never pulls it off. She's just gotten lucky that someone else was always worse than her. Next week looks to be a doozy, as there's backstabbing aplenty!

I know there's probably lots of celeb news, but it might have to wait until tomorrow. I have two shows taping and two to watch (Big Ban Theory and How I Met Your Mother) so I've gotta wrap this up so I can do so. I know.. priorities. .Lots of good TV on tonight, including the finale of The Hills. Ok.. so maybe it's not GOOD TV.. but I adore it! I'll try to catch up tomorrow...

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