Wednesday, May 14, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHELL!!!! Today is my babysitter (obviously not now, but when I was a kid) and friend Shell's birthday. I'll respect her age and not tell everyone what it is, but I wanted to wish her a very happy birthday since she is one of the blog's faithful readers!!

Ever hear a song and you don't know why, but you have to sing it at the top of your lungs? That happened to me on the way to work this morning. The song: The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia (the Reba McEntire version). I felt the strange need to belt it out while in my car this morning. I was slightly ashamed of myself, but proud that I knew all the words... Weird..

J forced me to watch Real Genius last night. I say forced because there were a million other movies I would rather have watched, but I was pleasantly surprised. GREAT 80's soundtrack and a comical Val Kilmer. Near the end I started to doze off, but I was still happy with it and surprised I've never seen it before. Funniest thing was, the guy who played Uncle Rico in Napoleon Dynamite had a role in the movie. I mean.. it's 23 years old, who knew he was in the business that long?

The O's defeated the Red Sox 5-4 last night. I know nothing more about the game, but isn't the a winning score enough these days? Oh wait.. I did read something about Melvin Mora hurting himself in the pregame warmup, but I haven't found out anything specific. Who cares? (not about Melvin of course.. I sure do!) At least we won!!!

I have got to stop eating. I've realized I've been stuffing my face lately and it's not a good thing. My sister is doing this Isagenix diet, which I am considering doing. It's similar to the Medifast thing I did, but you can eat organic food so it's a little less limiting. You only eat shakes and you cleanse your body a few times during it. Tre is doing the 30 day but a lot of our friends are doing the 9 day. There's more cleansing involved, but if you're looking for a quick drop of pounds, it's a good thing. I'm thinking about the 9 day myself. 30 days is a VERY long time!! We'll see how she does on it, then I'll make my decision. As usual, it's not cheap so it's something you really have to think long and hard about. I should just suck it up and do it, but it's summer and lots of things are going on, giving me MANY excuses to put it off!

Speaking of summer, it's f'n gorgeous outside! I can't wait to get out of here. I'm heading to my cousin's modified softball game, then my own ball game. Tre is having her team over at the house for a bbq so I'm not all that upset that I'm not going to be there. However, tonight is the season finale of America's Next Top Model and somehow I'm going to have to watch it when I get home or else I'll just learn about the winner on the internet, which I totally want to avoid. Seriously, what was the world like without the internet and DVR?

Time for me to put my nose to the grindstone... Remember.. it's hump day, so do your thing if you get the opportunity..

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