Wednesday, June 13, 2007


my last post was my 350th and I totally ignored it. Shame on me.

In sad news, not only did Mr. Wizard die this past week, but so did Frankie from the Real World! She suffered from cystic fibrosis and recently died at the age of 25. That was one of the last seasons of the Real World I watched and I found her to be an interesting and entertaining person.

Today was a great mail day. Not only did I get my Mets tickets in the mail from Stubhub (no, I'm not defecting.. I'm taking J. to a game in July) but I also got a Cal Ripken 1983 series bobblehead from my blogging buddy Rob. Thank you so much! I totally forgot the giveaway happened over the weekend and I really never thought he'd manage to snag me one so I thank him profusely!!!!

I had expected to have a lot of time to blog tonight, but my cousin Chrissy called me to take a walk and I decided to do that insead of blog. If it's any consolation, I have blisters on my feet from my new sneakers and the band-aids I already have on my feet from this past weekend. Speaking of which, how about some pictures?! This first one is of me, my cousin Laura, my sister and my cousin Lindsey at Savoia. Our grandparents used to own the bar, so I like to think we kept the family legacy alive on Flag Day.

This picture is of Kate, Tre, me and Jen at Stray Bar. What can I say? They had $1 Coors Light drafts!! Flag Day was a blast. We did a mini bar crawl.. some of us had our dreams come true, and others just passed out. All in all, it was a good time!

Today is my sister's softball coach's 69th birthday. Tre had the brilliant idea to decorate her house before their game tonight so that when she got home, it was all birthday like. I said she should do it at night so that when Kay woke up in the morning, it would be her birthday and the house would look as such. Smart idea Kara. Tre agreed and we ended up heading to Albany last night to get signs and banners and other such stuff to decorate. Tre even got air chalk, which is basically sidewalk chalk in an aerosol can. Anyway, it was too early to decorate since Kay doesn't go to bed till midnight, so we went to see Oceans 13 to kill some time. It started off slow, but all in all I liked it. I think it was actually better than Oceans 12. It was a tad more fun. Anyway, we got to Kay's house around midnight and went to town. We put banners up on her garage and taped an inflatable six and nine to her outside lights. Tre wrote "Happy 69th Kay" on her driveway and we finished that up by writing 69 all the way across her driveway. I didn't get to bed till 1:30 but it was hysterically fun, even more so that we didn't get arrested. Anyway, my first phone call at work this morning was from my sister because Kay called her first thing. She was the hit of her neighborhood. I guess there are a lot of joggers going by that were giving her thumbs up and stuff, and everyone was entertained by it. Tre was going to pretend she didn't know what Kay was talking about, but she had to take responsibility since Kay thought it was funny. I wish we had some pictures, but I think that would have blown our cover.

Anyway, I really need to get a move on and get my shit together as I've wasted the majority of the evening. However, I'm happy to say that my sister managed to zip me into my bridesmaid dress so I'm not going to have to be bulimic for the next few weeks. That's great news. I hope to blog again soon and if I don't, there'll be bachelorette party pictures to post when I get back, so keep checking in! I'm just going to try to stay awake to watch Rescue Me, and hopefully Bravo will rerun Top Chef a million times this weekend so I can catch it

I know I'm out of the loop but I can say this: Go O's!!!!!!

PS - Congratulations to my friend Sarah and her man, Pete. They got engaged just a few weeks and I want to wish them the best of luck!!!

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