Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oh what a week

and it's only Tuesday.

The Orioles began the week by firing Manager Sam Perlozzo. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been buzzed about for quite some time, but it doesn’t make me feel any less sorry for him. He’s not one of the guys playing on the field and he definitely got thrown into a shitty situation when he took the job, and he’s the scapegoat. Maybe it’s his fault, maybe it’s not. However, he’s going to be the scapegoat. The big rumor is that the O’s are meeting with Joe Girardi, someone else I feel got a raw deal at their last “place of business.” I’ve always liked Joe and I would LOVE to have him as the new manager of the O’s. Ya know, breathe a little life into the franchise and perhaps make some changes. Granted, as an O’s fan the only thing that WILL make me happy is selling the team to Cal Ripken, but Angelos is a douchebag and probably won’t do that before I have grandchildren, so I’ll take Joe Girardi.

We had a ball game last night and I hit the shit out of the ball. My sister let me borrow a bat that she had in the cellar and it seems to have done the trick. I used the bat while playing ball with J. and his buddies on Saturday (when he tried to steal it) and I had no intentions of bringing it with me last night, but it was in my car so I gave it a shot. Quite a few people used it and the guys were saying they’d never seen me hit the ball as hard and as well. Maybe it had something to do with the bat and maybe it didn’t. Regardless, it was a good game for me and isn’t that all that matters?

I finally got someone to alter my dress for next weekend’s wedding. My sister is under the impression that she’s expensive, but she's literally two doors down from where I work, she agreed to see me right after work tomorrow and I believe she’s even going to press my dress for me. The dress only needs hemming so how bad can it really be (famous last words, right?).

I asked J. what the verdict was on his family meeting me. His response was: Well, they didn’t really get the chance to get to know you. Um.. ya think? Well, at least they agreed and didn’t just hate me on sight. That’s a plus. Apparently the nephews might like me. I did give them food and play monkey in the middle with them, and we all know how I feel about children so that was a big deal for me. Argh… I must really like him for some god forsaken reason.

Tomorrow night my friend Sue and I are heading back to our old dance studio to visit. What’s really pathetic is we’re both nervous about it. We have no real reason to be, but we are. The thing is, we haven’t seen our dance teacher since we quit (it’s been longer for me than her), so we’re just concerned that it’ll be a tad awkward. However, we do have to get tickets for the show next week so we do have an excuse to be there. That, and my dance teacher has kind of had a rough couple of months and while I didn’t like the way she acted when I quit dance after 20 some years, I still look up to her and think of her as a bit of a role model. Everyone used to bitch about how much she charged and all sorts of things about how she was only in it for the money, but she was a great teacher. I wouldn’t say I know a lot about dance when it comes to the names of steps or technique, but she knew how to make people into performers and pull off some really great dances. This is her 35th anniversary show so it should be interesting. I’ll let you know how the visit goes. I just hope I don’t cry. I’m a big pansy when it comes to stuff like that.

Ok.. well, it’s turning into a monsoon of sorts outside (or so my mom said when she called 15 minutes or so ago) and Kathy Griffin is on, so it’s time for me to get a move on. Enjoy your hump day and the rest of your week!

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