Monday, June 25, 2007

I don't have time for this

I know it's only Monday, but I'd really love to get to the end of this week. Tomorrow I need to pick up my dress from the seamstress (after I get out of work early to go to a wake), and then hopefully spend some quality time with J. I don't know how quality it'll be since it's my only night to get anything substantial done, but I guess we'll see what happens. Luckily, the bride is bringing my dress to David's Bridal to get it steamed for free, so that's one less expense I will have to shoulder, which makes me VERY happy! I'm just tired and can't wait to get it all over with. I just want to get drunk and dance my ass off, is that too much to ask!?

I had dinner with my friend Christie tonight. We worked together at Berkshire Farm and shortly after I left, she had an accident diving into a swimming pool and hasn't had use of her legs ever since. She recently got a van with hand controls and a new job in Menands so tonight we met for dinner. I was a little concerned, as we hadn't seen each other in quite a few years, but it was like no time had passed and we had a great time. We totally lost track of time and I'm looking forward to our next "date."

I know this is a really lame post, especially considering it'll more than likely be the only one this week, but I'm beat to shit and just want to get a good night's sleep. I hope everyone has a great week/weekend and I'll be sure to post with the pictures and entertaining details from the wedding!

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