Friday, June 15, 2007

Fewer posts means longer posts

See, you still get your money's worth!!

Last night, J. and I wasted at least an hour and a half playing the Wii. I admit, I was getting extremely frustrated. Perhaps it’s my competitive nature, I don’t know. It was still fun though! They have all these training games and there’s one in the bowling where they just keep adding rows of pins. I kicked J.’s ass and after that, he only wanted to play games in which I sucked. Not fair, but he is the one that bought it so I guess I can’t really say much. I just get so irritated because the ball hooks a ridiculous amount even when you don’t make it do so. As a bowler, it’s just a tad untrue which forces me to get irritated and then J. kicks my ass. I guess I shouldn’t bitch. It’s the only time he’ll ever kick my ass in bowling. His friend Jimmy and I were talking about really going bowling and he doesn’t want to go for that reason alone. I think he’s screwed and that Jimmy and I will eventually convince him.

I miss my daily dose of TMZ. As I believe I mentioned, I got a slight reaming for being on the internet too much at work. Therefore, I’m relegated to simply checking my email and my checking account balance. I just spent 15 minutes going through the last week’s worth of gossip and I’m a little appalled by what I’ve missed. What I am not appalled about is the fact that every other post is about Paris Hilton. Good god, get over it already! She’s an anorexic bitch who’s famous for no reason and needs to be stopped. Jail is making her even more popular!!! Damn internet..

In a few weeks my sister and I are bridesmaids (Tre is the maid of honor) in our friend Kate’s wedding. It’s been a long time coming and I’m really looking forward to it, but I will also be happy when it’s over. Men have no idea how expensive and dramatic it is for women to be in a wedding! This morning we got an email regarding the itinerary for the wedding and one of the things on it was the times for us to get our makeup done. Underneath that, was the price: $50. I’m sorry, I can’t justify paying someone $50 to do my makeup! I mean.. she’s doing it at 11 am and the wedding isn’t until 2:30! It’ll practically be July so the makeup will probably have worn off already. Tre was in full agreement with me and I emailed Kate back that we would more than likely bail, do it ourselves, or find someone else to do it for cheaper. Luckily, Kate was not upset about it, and actually pretty agreeable that it was expensive but hell, she’s the bride so she can do what she wants! Add in the hair, mani/pedi and gift, and two weeks from now I’m going to have one hell of an expensive weekend! I think it’s getting to the point where I have very few friends left to get married cause I just can’t afford it anymore! I’d love to stick it to them all when I get married, but I could care less. I just want to wear a white dress and be a princess for the day, which includes a tiara. I don’t see the point in spending ridiculous amounts of money on a cake cause no one is going to eat it anyway. I’m thinking cupcakes… or cookies or something. And there’ll be French fries. Oh yes.. there will be french fries.

Tomorrow I’m playing softball with J. and his friends again. I couldn’t go last week because of Flag Day. Tre and our friend Brian (he’s marrying Kate) were supposed to go with me, but they bailed. Unfortuantely for Tre, she and J made a deal that if she doesn’t play, she doesn’t get to play the Wii. I bet in a week or so, he’ll cave. Anyway, I’ll be meeting J’s father and sister while playing ball. Just how I’ve always wanted to meet his family. Sweaty and unshowered! I’m pretty sure I played ball against his sister in high school, so that should be interesting. She insists she doesn’t remember my sister and I, but she remembers a distant cousin of ours who leveled her. Small world! Anyway, there’s a BBQ afterwards at his brother’s house and I wasn’t planning on going initially, but I feel like I have to. That is where I’ll meet his mother and that’s kind of important, as they leave on Tuesday. I’m looking forward to it, but I admit, I’m scared shitless. However, it will be interesting to see where J. comes from. Luckily, I get to shower before I go to the BBQ but I’m a little peeved about it because my hair always turns out like shit when I shower at his house. I think it’s the water pressure, I don’t know. I wouldn’t care so much but I have Kate’s bachelorette party in Saratoga that night and I don’t want to look like shit! However, it’s either that or drive all the way home to shower and then come back up to N. Greenbush to pick up Kate. It doesn’t really make sense. So, that’s my day tomorrow. We’ll come home on Sunday for Father’s Day. Tre and I got my Dad the MLB package so he can watch his O’s games. I guess I’ll be over at their house if there are some good games on! It doesn’t start until after the All Star Break but I still think he’ll enjoy it.

Speaking of the O’s, how much do they suck right now? Wow.. even Jeremy Guthrie can’t pull out a win and he’s been the bright spot in the rotation for a while now. I guess the offense just hasn’t been stellar as of late. My mom emailed me today, telling me that she and my Dad were considering going down to Camden Yards for Cal Ripken’s send off to the Hall of Fame on July 24th. My response: Why don’t you just give me a paper cut and pour lemon juice in it? She found that entertaining. I, on the other hand, did not. I don’t think they’ll be able to go though, as my Dad doesn’t have that week off like he had thought. Hey, if I can’t go, I don’t think anyone in my family should be able to!!!

I finally finished reading “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote this morning and I’m finally watching the movie Capote that I got from Netflix. It’s actually quite good. I might try to tackle Blazing Saddles next. Take the edge off the night! I took my Netflix plan down from 3 movies at a time to 2. I just don’t have the time to watch 3 movies. I’ve had these for a month. I still haven’t watched the Godfather 2 and I might just send it back without watching it. I just don’t have over three hours to commit to a movie. I saw the first one, so haven’t I done enough?

Well, I’m planning on getting a good night’s sleep tonight so I should get a move on, as I have some last minute things to do. Hope you have a great weekend and I’ll post again when I can.

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