Sunday, June 17, 2007

The weekend's over already?

Kate’s bachelorette party was a rousing success! We had a great time, even though Fish and I bailed out slightly early, if you consider 1:30 early. I played ball with J. and his friends on Saturday afternoon and not only was it hot, but it was tiring! We went to Saratoga and it was a great time! I haven’t been there in a really long time and I don’t know why. The bars were really fun and the doughboys/pizza afterwards really hit the spot. I also had the best margarita I’ve ever had at this bar/restaurant called Cantina. Our bartender was phenomenal and she made a killer margarita. I guess they make their own mix but they also squeeze a half a lime into each of their drinks. I don’t even like tequila and I couldn’t get enough. Hmm.. maybe that’s why Fish and I went home early!

I finally met J’s parents and all I can say is that it was anticlimactic. I never got formally introduced to his father; we just shot the shit while he pitched during the softball game and then again at his brother’s BBQ. I ended up introducing myself to his sister after about four innings of playing ball to which she replied “it’s nice to finally meet you.” That was a plus! Anyway, we get to the BBQ and I had bought cookies with me. J. brings me in to meet his mom and he tells her that I bought cookies. I think her reply was “oh.” Then he introduced me to her and she said “Hi.” That was it. I don’t really know how to react to it. She didn’t try to make conversation with me and I didn’t really know what to do! I actually got more recognition from his friend’s mom than from his mother! Perhaps that’s just the way they are, I don’t know. I guess the jury’s still out on whether they like me or not (although I wasn’t really given a chance to be liked or hated).

I’m exhausted so I’m gonna head to bed but try to stay awake for Entourage and Flight of the Conchords. I highly doubt either is going to happen. Speaking of TV, I just watched Top Chef and I think it’s going to be a good season. I was sad to see Clay go for many reasons, but I felt bad because at least he put something on the plate, unlike Howard and Brian. It’ll be an interesting season and it looks like I’ll get sucked in once again. Damn you Bravo!!!! Hope you had a great weekend!

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