Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Once again, I left my post-it at work, so I'm going to have to wing it. You know damn well I won't remember everything, but I'll do my best.

My co-worker has informed me that I am now on a manhunt. It was nice of her to let me know! Jason and I had plans for Thursday night (apparently he was over the "history" debacle), and at 7 pm he texted me "would you hate me if I didn't make it tonight?" to which I replied "yes" as I'd basically gone pretty far out of my way to make the plans with him, and he knew there were other things I could have been doing... if I'd had more notice. Anyway, I then felt bad (maybe he was tired, blah blah blah) so I texted him back and said that it was fine, but I wanted concrete plans for Friday or Saturday - no more excuses. Still waiting on that call. He never even bothered to text me back, call, or stop by the house. Granted, I got to watch the Grey's finale uninterrupted, but it's the principle of the thing. That's just a lack of respect for me and my time, and I don't take too kindly to that! So, we're both cold shouldering each other, although I'm really the only one with good reason. I'll give him credit - he's lasted way longer than I expected! I'll keep you posted, but if he was your pony in this race, I wouldn't get my hopes up. He's basically pushing himself to the glue factory.

I'm pretty sure the new Applebee's is going to put back on all the weight I've taken off. I'm thinking of starting to run TO the Applebee's.. then maybe I won't feel as bad about eating there way too often. It's just too damn convenient and there's very cold beer there. What's a girl to do!?

Big buzz is the renewal and/or cancellation of TV shows going around. Amazingly enough, Dollhouse is getting a second chance. However, Reaper and My Name is Earl have been axed, although Reaper could have new life in syndication and My Name is Earl could go to another network, but I'm not getting my hopes up. On Fox, Fringe was renewed and will be shown on Thursday nights at 9, which is up against Grey's Anatomy and The Office. Tough time slot, and even tougher for me, as I can only tape two shows at once. I hope Hulu continues at the rate they're going or else I'm in DEEP trouble! The only nice thing is that I'll no longer not know what's going on thanks to American Idol running over! So You Think You Can Dance begins this week, but Fox is going to run it into the ground by starting another season up in the Fall. I know I won't, but I hope the rest of the audience doesn't grow tired of it!

Tonight is the Dancing with the Stars finale and I have to say, I really don't care who wins. Usually there's someone I just loathe, but I'd be ok with any of the finalists winning, although I think Tony Dovolani would look mighty sexy posing near a mirrorball trophy! The finalists are neck and neck and it really is too close to call!

Oh no, poor Jessica Biel. It must really suck to be so pretty. I hope she's not holding her hand on her ass waiting for all that sympathy to come around..

And from the looks of it, the boys continue to drop like flies on Daisy of Love. The show might be done quicker than we thought if she keeps making crappy decisions and the boys keep deciding they like their exes (or being homeless) better than her!

Apparently the best way to get over your well-known ex, is to attempt to get under a new, well-known hottie...

I guess now we know what's kept Mariska Hargitay off the SVU set lately...

I know I have more, but I can't think of it right now. I'll consult my post-it tomorrow and perhaps concoct a post. I've got a ball game tomorrow night and I'm running a 3.5 mile race on Thursday night so it might be a while before I can post, but if something important comes up, I'm on it! Don't miss The Real Housewives of New Jersey and try to catch the sneak peek of the first episode of Glee (on Fox). I'm taping it and watching 90210. What can I say? I have till September to check it out since Fox isn't running any more episodes until then. However, I think it'll be entertaining and I'm looking forward to it. As for the Jersey housewives, well, I'm real excited about them. I know it won't happen till the end, but I can not WAIT for Teresa's table tossing confrontation. For now, I'll just settle for the "bubbies" and the mob ties.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

First off, I don't know how you can resist the delightful punniness of calling it a "post it Post-it". You're a better lass than I, I guess.

The show whose fate I'm really concerned with (it's 3rd season is up in the air...not looking promising) is CHUCK. I will be mighty miffed if CHUCK gets the axe.