Monday, May 18, 2009

My Proposal

Married men should either have to go out to bars with their wives, wear wedding rings, or have a big sign on their back proclaiming them married. It's really unfair to let a single girl like myself waste good game on someone who, while flattered and flirting back, has absolutely no intention of dating you. Be kind, married men. I know you all are stupid, but I'm pretty sure you can figure out what flirting is... in a bar.. on a Friday night.. out with the guys... not wearing a wedding ring...

Just saying... ;)

GO SEE ANGELS AND DEMONS!! It was the quickest 2 hours and 20 minutes I've ever spent in a theater. It's a great story (and one you can grasp even if you haven't read the book) and personally, I think the movie was better than The Da Vinci Code.. and Tom Hanks doesn't have that awful long hair, which is certainly a help! Two enthusiastic thumbs up!


Sandra said...

I am probably not going to see "Angels& Demons" and I never saw "The DaVinci Code" (never read a Dan Brown book in my life either) but I can tell right away that "Angels & Demons" is the superior movie. Two words: EWAN & MCGREGOR. I don't care if he's wearing a cassock or a shabby chic Jedi bathrobe..I ADORE Ewan.

Toine G said...

Take it easy on the married men! :)