Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On my way to work today I was behind a guy who had a license plate that says KHAAAN (That might be too many A’s, but you get the point). With the success of the new Star Trek movie, I’m thinking he might have the coolest car in the parking lot at the Regal Cinemas.

Was I the only one that got a little teary eyed this morning watching the Ryan O’Neal interview on the Today show!?

Last night we had another softball game, where I was catching. Now, I’ve played ball since I was 5. I’m MORE than capable of catching a ball when it’s thrown to me, and to go after it when it’s not. Well, there was a play at the plate and as I’m waiting for the ball to be thrown, our pitcher literally pushed me out of the way. I walked to the bench cause there was no point in me backing him up since he was so confident in his abilities, right? I KIND OF wish he hadn’t gotten the guy out (just to prove a point) but he did, and he instantly could tell I was fuming. He came up to me and started to apologize but I cut him off and said “Don’t you ever fucking do that again” and then I reiterated the fact that I know I’m a girl and all, but all our girls are more than capable and if he ever does it again, he better figure out how to pitch AND catch, cause I won’t be behind the plate. I could hear him saying things, but I think he knew I had a point. I mean, if he had said “well, the guy that was coming in was a douche (and he is) and I was afraid he’d try to hurt you” that’s one thing. But he didn’t.. he’s just a ball hog. It was amazing how many people came up to me after that and told me they were glad that I said something to him instead of just letting him get away with it. Have you met me? That was NOT going to happen, and I’m pretty sure it’ll never happen again.

Ty Murray finally got the boot from DWTS, and from the little bit I saw Monday night, he was the most deserving, as I thought he was the week before. He was by far, the most improved, but the three that are in the finals, completely deserve it!

If you haven’t heard it, search for Kris Allen’s take on Heartless by Kanye West that he performed on Idol last night. It was a show-stopper for sure and he could be the underdog that ousts Danny Gokey to make it into the finals! I always liked him and think Danny is overrated, so it wouldn’t bother me!

Apparently, Paulina Porizkova was fired from America’s Next Top Model for having an ego that she wasn’t aware she had. Honey.. when you work with Tyra any ounce of self confidence is too much! The winner of ANTM’s most recent cycle will be crowned tonight. I admit it, I’m rooting for Allison!

I admit I haven’t watched more than the first episode online, but Party Down has been renewed for a second season, which means it’s just ONE more show I need to catch up on. Thank god for the internet!!

When the DVD of the first season of Dollhouse comes out, there will be 2 unaired episodes included. If they’re from the end of the season, I might buy it. The beginning of the season.. not so much!

Today, out of curiousity, I googled one of our foreign agents. We all really like working with him and we were curious. Well, he’s a bona fide hottie. I might have to keep screwing up his stuff so he has to email me more often!

Seriously.. who thought Shanna Moakler was a role model in the first place?

I only made it through half the Real Housewives reunion last night and none of the Jersey Housewives, but it was basically bitch bitch bitch, cry cry cry, as expected. Practically everyone has had surgery or been in the news for one reason or another and that is why we love them. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna watch the whole thing every time it’s on though! I’m just happy I don’t have to hear “let me tell you a-something about my family. We are thick as thieves” again. If I were that woman, I’d be mortified THAT is the sound bite they chose to use to introduce the season!

It’s late afternoon and my movie date has yet to cancel on me. It could be a miracle.. or I could have totally jinxed myself just now. She still has a little over two hours to bail.

In a strange turn of events, Jason might actually be speaking to me and has (hopefully) forgotten about Sunday night.. or at least he’s pretending to, which is fine with me. I’m sick of beating the dead horse and pretending to apologize for something I really don’t feel bad about! And as my C. Howe says “you never ask someone about their past sexcapades” (it went something like that, right Chris?). No one ever likes the answer… Unless they know their new girlfriend used to be a nun and this was their first day out of the convent. I think then it’d be ok to ask!

Time is winding down and I’ve got some stuff to do. Hump ‘em if you got ‘em and if you don’t have 'em… fake it!

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