Monday, July 06, 2009

I wasn’t really feeling my lunch today, however I’m trying to be a good girl and not waste money if I don’t REALLY have to. So, I went into the kitchen to make my Smart Ones (roast turkey with mashed potatoes.. one of my faves) and when I opened the container it seems SOMEONE neglected to ever put the shrink wrap over the top of it. Let’s just say it sure did look like a hot mess and now I HAVE to go out to lunch. I had no idea what I wanted until my co-worker said she almost went to Moe’s. I had to go! Today is Burrito Monday!!! So sometimes, everything works out just as it should..

I had one of those Jeff Foxworthy “here’s your sign” moments this morning and unfortunately, it would have been me that got the sign! I was in the kitchen (do you see a trend?) and someone was at the coffee makers and kind of jumped as they got sprayed with coffee.. My response: “Hot!?” Yeah.. I said that. I kind of wanted her to turn around and go “no, dumbass.. it’s freezing cold.” But she was nice enough not to do so, which is somewhat surprising! So yes.. where’s my sign!?

Big Brother begins on Thursday and there are some weird things going on in the house, as far as competitions and such. Check out the cast when you get a chance.

It might be in his best interest if Jim Leyritz just stopped leaving the house… Well, that or just kept to himself... Maybe that would be better..

I don’t watch anymore, but I think the addition of Drea De Matteo to the Desperate Housewives could get interesting…

As if he didn't get screwed enough in the movies, Ron Weasely got the swine flu!!!

Ok, those were just some quickies that I found from my post-it that I left at work all weekend. Plus, I know I’ll never have a chance to check in later. Hope you’re all suffering through your holiday weekend hangover and working hard!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I am inordinately amused by this RUPERT GRINT contracting swine flu. Well, OBVIOUSLY, I wouldn't be having such a great chortle over it if the fellah was seriously ill (I wouldn't!!)

Not entirely sure why I'm so amused...I suspect it's that name: Rupert Grint. Has such a ludicrous Dickensian flair to it to begin with and then add to that "Grint " is so very close to "GRUNT" isn't it? Funny...