Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I feel a little strange about the fact that 1) I have seen the Fox Family show "Make it or Break it" and 2) I have thoroughly enjoyed it and am kind of upset that I missed it so far this week. I think Fox Family is like Bravo though, so I"m sure an opportunity will present itself. For those not in the know, the show is basically a remake of the movie "Stick It," which I also (sadly) really enjoyed, even though it's basically a fluffy piece of crap. The greatest thing is that I somehow convinced Jason to see it with me... Ah, to be in love, the crazy things we do!

It looks like her character isn't the only one getting hitched...

NO!!! Not the Big Ragoo!!!

If Kelly Bensimon (oh, I'm sorry.. Kelly KILOREN Bensimon) is the only housewife back next season, there is no way I'm watching! I sure hope this is just a casting bump in the road! Speaking of the housewives, looks like Bethenny might have FINALLY found the one...

I really enjoyed the book, but I'm not sure how HBO could make a series out of Middlesex.

I hope Glee is a hit, because Jane Lynch has officially pulled out of Starz series "Party Down" for the Fox show. This reminds me that I actually need to watch ALL of Party Down in the very near future. I thought the first episode was hysterical, but I think anything Ken Marino is in takes the cake..

What is it about blonde ex-figure skaters that just screams "prison term?"

OK.. so I think we all know that Chris Daughtry could sing the phone book and I'd probably still scream like a little girl... The Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" has totally grown on me, but nothing is sexier than hearing him say "and baby when it's love if it's not rough it isn't fun." Check it out for yourself and no longer wonder about my love for him... (Thanks to Sandra for sending me the link this morning.. Now I'm angry that it took me until now to watch it!)

I think that's a good way to end my Tuesday, don't you!?

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I also read today that Janet from Three's Company got a DUI over the weekend too. I can't help but feel there's some cosmic correlation. Let's hope it's the beginning of a new celeb trend. Won't it be refreshing change of motif to have a spate of 70s sitcom stars getting DUIs? I mean that used to be sad and/or dull, but now after this somber celebrities-dropping-dead trend it will be relatively delightful! Just trainwrecky mugshot goodness...yaaay!