Thursday, March 12, 2009

Posting has been a bit... sporadic as of late. It seems my nights have been really busy, not allowing me much time to post. Perhaps that's why I'm now sick! I had a headache during the day yesterday, but I took some Excedrin Migraine (it was all I had) and I felt better. I left work early and took this "trainer fit" class at my friend Shannon's mom's gym (more on that in a bit) and afterwards, I realized I was FREEZING! Course, that's not really that strange cause I'm always cold, however everyone was saying how hot the room was and I was far from it. When I got home and realized I was STILL cold, I took my temperature and it was 99.5. I took some Nyquil and headed to bed. This morning I took my temperature right when I got up and it was 99.9, but I felt pretty good, so I decided to go to work. Big mistake.. The minute I hit traffic at a dead stop on I-90 I should have known that turning around was my best option. However, I continued on to work and lasted through a half day. Good God I felt like crap. I still don't feel 100%, but right now I do feel better. I'm thinking I'm just run down as I've been so damn busy lately and haven't given myself a chance to recuperate and to be honest, this is the only time I have to be sick at the moment. I have a big bowling tournament on Saturday that will last all day (and celebrations/entertainment into the night) and then with St. Patty's Day on Tuesday, well, I can NOT be sick for either.

On Tuesday I took a beginner's yoga class at the YMCA in East Greenbush. All I can say about that place is "wow." There is so much going on! The pool is amazing, there are tons of classes and it seems like there will never be a time where there aren't enough machines for everyone to use. It's absolutely insane! I'm seriously contemplating joining, however the $50 monthly fee is a bit much. Still, I was surprised to realize that I really enjoyed the yoga class, which is funny only because I am a really impatient person and I didn't expect to enjoy it and/or find it relaxing. The class was only 25 minutes and I'm curious to see how an hour long class would go. Wednesday night I went to the trainer fit class at "What a Girl Wants" in Chatham. I am having a bit of trouble walking today. We worked muscles I didn't even know I had. The guy was good, but at one point I had to drop an f-bomb on him. He was telling me that I was doing something wrong, but wasn't telling me how to fix it, which I found really frustrating! Luckily, my friend Shannon told me how to fix it and from that point on, I was fine. Still, if that's your job, you should be able to point out the problem AND fix it! Regardless, as much as I was in pain and staring at the clock willing the hour to end, it was a very good class and I would go again if I didn't have to leave work 45 minutes early to get there!

As usual, I had a post-it full of stuff to blog about, but it hurts my body too much to get off the couch and get it, so maybe tomorrow night or this weekend I'll manage to find some entertaining things to blog about. For now, you've just got me! TGIF my friends..

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