Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party at MJ's Pictures

OK.. technically they're not AT MJ's, cause I took too many pictures beforehand, so my internal memory was full before we went out, but hopefully you'll get the drift.
These are the spider cupcakes I made for work. They were a big hit.. I don't know if I won the contest though, as laying people off became a higher priority. Apparently, I've made it through.. so far. Keep your fingers crossed.. Cute little spiders though, aren't they? They took FOREVER to make!

The gals at Nikki's house before our transformations.

Tre's roller derby girl - The Notorious V.A.G. (who apparently IS a real roller derby chick! Tre loves Biggie so the name could not have been more appropriate for her). She even stayed on her feet way longer than we had expected!

This is the hickey Shannon gave me.... with makeup.. but it looks amazingly real. So much so, that it fooled pretty much everyone!

Nikki in her go-go boots... cause she needed to be a head taller than me! I went as the "walk of shame." I hadn't gotten my bed head yet, but the hickey and smudgey makeup did the trick.

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