Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First and foremost, RIP to Patrick Swayze! I was so upset when Chris texted to tell me. He will forever be remembered as Johnny Castle and for never putting baby in a corner. What a classic! Not that I needed it, but now I have some motivation to finally see Point Break and Road House. I know.. shoot me now as I've never seen either of them.. He was a classy, talented guy and I'm sad to see him go.

In old news, Ellen Degeneres is replacing Paula Abdul as the fourth judge on American Idol. I, for one, don't get it. I didn't think much of her judging stint on So You Think You Can Dance, besides the humor and entertainment value. She's supposed to be the "real person" perspective. Um.. isn't that what THE AUDIENCE is for?

Katherine Heigl and her husband, Josh Kelley will be adopting a child from Korea in the very near future.

Tonight is the two hour finale of Big Brother and all I can ask is for Natalie to NOT win! Her fate lies in the hands of Kevin and Jordan, who are playing against each other to win the final HOH. Jordan killed Natalie in their competition, much to Natalie's shock and dismay which was just so damn sweet. Hopefully if Kevin wins he brings Jordan to the final two with him.

The models were in charge this past week on Project Runway, which proved insanely detrimental to many of the guys, even though it was Qristal that was sent packing. It made sense, considering she dodged a bullet last week thanks to Mitchell's complete inadequacy. Hell, I could have sent a nightgown down the runway better than him!

The True Blood finale went down on Sunday night and while I was at first a little disappointed, the show ended with one hell of a cliffhanger. Who took Bill?! If you read the books like I did you might think you know, but considering I had no clue what the f was going on all season, I'm thinking I'm probably way off! June or so is WAY too long to wait for the next season HBO! However, so far I'm not impressed with Evan Rachel Wood as the Queen of Louisiana.. My friends who watch said I wouldn't be, but I didn't believe them. They were right..

If only I had the money and the wherewithall to renovate.. Maybe Jeff Lewis could help!

Rumor has it, she's moving to a town outside Utica.. freaky..

Maybe you haven't heard, but Kanye's a douche...

Sometimes you have to give the Devil his due...

My first passion party somehow canceled at the last minute (if canceling means "never returned my phone calls last week) so I'm a little bummed cause I had counted on that little bit of money coming in and I really wanted to get my jitters out! Now I have nothing booked.. I have plenty of people saying they'll book, but nothing solid yet. I should have found something less stressful!

Today is my god daughter Courtney's birthday AND my parent's anniversary. For some reason I can never remember how long they've been married, but my dad said it was 32 years. To which I replied "Tre and I are not bastard children..." So yeah.. I'm still not sure... I just know it's 33 or more years which is insane. Half the time I don't want to do anything for 33 minutes let alone 33 years!

I'm having a pity party kind of week. I have a wedding in October that I"m very excited about. Just got an adorable new dress for it as a matter of fact! Anyway, I then find out that the people I will more than likely be sitting with (and the only ones I will know) are all coupled up. Talk about depressing.. I have the option of bringing a date, but since it's not local, I would kind of rather go by myself.. I just don't watn to be the pathetic token girl with no date. Sometimes being single REALLY sucks.. Then, last night a great friend to our family died, which is pretty upsetting. She was the sweetest woman ever and had a great impact on my dad's life and I will miss her very much!! At least now Nanny can join Peep after all these years!!!

Ok.. time for me to pay attention to Big Brother! Hope you all have a great hump day!!!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I am the lone yahoo on "Team Kanye"