Monday, January 25, 2010

History was made this weekend in the world of professional bowling, and because of that, I won't even hold it against Kelly Kulick that she's from New Jersey.. I'll just continue to be proud and say to all the boys "told ya so..."

After a not so wonderful first half, the Indianapolis Colts stepped it up, and now my boy Peyton is headed to the Superbowl once again (along with the rest of the Colts of course). They'll be facing the New Orleans Saints, who beat Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings in overtime. I think it'll be a great game and while I want the Colts to win, if they DO get beat, I'd rather it was by the Saints as opposed to old, indecisive Brett Favre.

We hit the PBR (professional bull riding) event on Saturday night at the TU Center, and it was both entertaining and smelly. Thankfully, we were sitting up in one of the suites so the smell was only an issue when we decided we needed a closer look. We got over that real quick.. We then cut many, many rugs at the Dublin Underground, and had many, many drinks. And pizza.. pizza with cold cheese is almost always the right way to end a night of drinking!

Jersey Shore may be over, but the comparisons will never die!

The Screen Actor's Guild Awards were held on Saturday night, and the main award winners were pretty similar to the winners at the Golden Globes, leading us to believe the Oscars will follow suit. That would make for a pretty boring show though, don't you think?

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