Saturday, March 20, 2010

St. Patty's Day 2010

Shannon, drinking the lightest beer imaginable on the train.. A taste of things to come ;) Oh yes.. EVERYONE is Irish on St. Patty's Day!!!
SOME PEOPLE didn't think "Boozy McGee" was an appropriate shirt for me.. so they changed it..

Me, Tre and Jen at the Blarney Rock

Do I know him? No... Was he wearing a uniform? Yes.. Was that enough? Hell yeah it was ;)

As usual, we had an awesome time! My phone died early on in the day, we lost a camera down a sewer/subway grate (thankfully not mine), there was a little misunderstanding about the train we were coming home on, and everyone got home around the same time because the two that made the early train, missed the stop in Hudson. Our t-shirts were waiting for us on the doorstep when we got home. Way to go! Now we have a whole year to figure out which shirts to get NEXT year AND we plan to get them in February so we don't have to recycle!

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