Thursday, September 23, 2010

Does anyone have any idea how hard it is to find a part time job that is worth your while (money and intelligence wise) when you already have a full-time job out of county? I do... and it's hard!

So let's concentrate on TV instead, shall we?

I have yet to watch last night's Top Chef reunion, but that didn't stop me from hearing about this. I am downright giddy and already rooting for Jamie, Jen Carrol and Dale (gay Dale, not Asian Dale). I haven't had the time to get into the dessert show, but this will surely bring me back!

Tonight marks the premiere of MANY shows, including The Big Bang Theory on it's new night. I'm not thrilled about this, as my DVR was already in overdrive on Thursday nights, but I've come to love this show and can't wait to see what happens with Blossom and Sheldon (Sorry Mayim, you'll always be Blossom to me!). Anyway, to hold you over, hopefully you can check out this funny clip from Craig Ferguson...

Almost forgot, not even J-Lo and Steven Tyler will get me to watch American Idol this year.. Fox should stop beating a dead horse and concentrate on something else.. If I knew what that was, I wouldn't be looking for said part-time job now would I?

OOH! Kathy Griffin is coming to town (have I mentioned that yet?) and I'm so excited! I got tickets this morning and while we got the cheap seats ($100? COME ON! Not a chance) they're still on the first level and pretty decent, so I'm happy!!! Granted, she's worth every penny, but I'm trying to SAVE, not spend!

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